For 4-6 persons
Dried black fungus 15g
Coriander 4 bunches
Red chili pepper 1 pc
Koon Chun Oyster Sauce 1 tbsp
Koon Chun Black Rice Vinegar 2 tbsp
Sugar 1 tbsp
Koon Chun Sesame oil 1 tsp
Roasted White Sesame 1/2 tbsp
乾雲耳 15克
芫荽 4株
紅辣椒 1個
冠珍蠔油皇 1湯匙
冠珍黑米醋 2湯匙
糖 1湯匙
冠珍芝蔴油 1茶匙
已炒香的白芝蔴 1/2湯匙
1. Soak black fungus in water until soft. Remove its stalk and wash. Blanch in boiling water for 3 minutes and then drain them well.
2. Wash chili pepper and coriander and chop them.
3. Mix black fungus with chili pepper, Koon Chun Oyster Sauce, vinegar, and sugar.
4. Refrigerate black fungus for around 1 hour or until cool, mix in Koon Chun sesame oil, and garnish with roasted sesame and coriander.
1.乾雲耳用冷水浸透至發大漲起, 撕去菌頭硬塊,用水清洗後煮大鍋 滾水汆燙三分鐘並瀝乾水分。
3.雲耳加入冠珍蠔油皇、黑米醋、 糖、紅辣椒並拌勻。
4.放冰箱裡約1小時或至涼卻, 拌 入冠珍蔴油,最後撒上芝蔴及芫茜 便可食用。